hails from Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. He was born in Metro Manila on September 25, 1987. He attended his primary and secondary school years at Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. He graduated from Elementary at Solano East Central School in the year 2000 and from High School at Aldersgate Science High School in the year 2005, respectively. He was an active pupil/student and often joined school clubs and other organizations that fits his interest like journalism and the like. He became a school paper staff since his Elementary years which ranged from being a Field Reporter, a Literary Editor, a Feature Editor and a Circulation Manager. Among the school papers he served were: The Clarion of Saint Louis School; Silangan of Solano East Central School; The Paragon of Aldersgate College and The Frontier of PLT College, Inc. When he was in High School, he was even more active in joining organizations which led him to be chosen as one of the twenty (20) students from among 200 aspirants to join the Local Youth Development Council of Solano from 2004-2005. He took up BS Nursing at the University of Baguio (2005) and PLT College, Inc. (2011) but was not able to push through due to financial constraints. He is currently an irregular senior student of BS Ecotourism at the Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.

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